
Because every business can now launch and store internal and external applications in the cloud, we are ready to meet your IT demands without you having to buy or maintain an underlying structure.

The rise of cloud computing provides businesses with the ability to provision computing resources without the laborious task of building data centers or without the costs of running servers to variable workloads.

Cloud computing is basically the delivery of computing services (servers, storage, networking, databases) over the Internet. The cloud solution is perfect for both small companies and established enterprises, regardless of size.
This service will meet all your security and compliance requirements, will give your business a lot of flexibility and will take the pressure off planning.

Other benefit of cloud computing is the ability to scale elastically. You will have more or less computing power, bandwidth or storage from the right location, when you need it.

There will be no need for many of the time-consuming IT management chores, cloud computing will remove the need for most of them. Everything will happen with just a few mouse clicks and your infrastructure, your data and apps will be protected by potential threats.

Contact US

Regus Bucharest City Centre
No. 17, C.A Rosetti, 2nd district, Bucharest, 020011

+40 726 144 175

Contact US

Regus Bucharest City Centre
No. 17, C.A Rosetti, 2nd district, Bucharest, 020011

+40 726 144 175